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Supplement No. 6 to Part 744—Unverified List

Exports, reexports, and transfers (in-country) involving parties to the transaction who are listed in this supplement are subject to the restrictions and requirements outlined in § 744.15 of the EAR. Country Listed person and address Federal Register citation ARMENIA Atlas Sanatgaran, Komitas 26/114, Yerevan, Armenia 85 FR 64017, October 9, 2020. Iranian & Armenian, Komitas 26/114, Yerevan, Armenia 85 FR 64017, October 9, 2020. Piricas Trading Company, No.

Supplement No. 5 to Part 744—Procedures for End-User Review Committee Entity List and 'Military End User' (MEU) List Decisions

The End-User Review Committee (ERC), composed of representatives of the Departments of Commerce, State, Defense, Energy and, where appropriate, the Treasury, will make all decisions to make additions to, removals from or changes to the Entity List and the 'Military End User' (MEU) List.

Supplement No. 3 to Part 744—Countries Not Subject to Certain Nuclear End-Use Restrictions in § 744.2(a)

Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Italy (includes San Marino and Holy See) Japan Luxembourg Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Turkey United Kingdom [61 FR 12802, Mar. 25, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 25459, May 9, 1997; 66 FR 18402, Apr. 9, 2001]

Supplement No. 2 to Part 744—List of Items Subject to the Military End Use or End User License Requirement of § 744.21

The following items, as described, are subject to the military end use or end user license requirement in § 744.21. (1) Category 1 Materials, Chemicals, Microorganisms, and Toxins (i) 1A290 Depleted uranium (any uranium containing less than 0.711% of the isotope U 235) in shipments of more than 1,000 kilograms in the form of shielding contained in X ray units, radiographic exposure or teletherapy devices, radioactive thermoelectric generators, or packaging for the transportation of radioactive materials. (ii) 1C990 Fibrous and filamentary materials, not controlled by 1C010 or 1C210, for use

Supplement No. 1 to Part 744—Military End-Use Examples for § 744.17

(a) Examples of military end-uses (as described in § 744.17 (d) of this part) of general-purpose microprocessors classified as ECCN 3A991.a.1 includes employing such microprocessors in the “use”, “development”, “production”, or deployment of: (1) Cruise missiles; (2) Electronic suites of military aircraft and helicopters; (3) Radar for searching, targeting, or tracking systems; (4) Command/control/communications or navigation systems; (5) Unmanned aerial vehicles capable of performing military reconnaissance, surveillance, or combat support; (6) Rocket or missile systems; (7) Elec

Supplement No. 2 to Part 743 Authorized Integrated Circuit Designer Know Your Customer (KYC) Vetting Form

This supplement contains a questionnaire that must be completed as part of the reporting requirements for authorized integrated circuit designers in § 743.9 of the EAR. The questions in the form are KYC best practices that are especially critical in this context where there is a risk of companies seeking advanced foundry services in circumvention of controls on advanced computing items.

Supplement No. 1 to Part 743—Wassenaar Arrangement Participating States

Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Bulgaria Canada Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary India Ireland Italy Japan Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Slovakia Slovenia South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United States [63 FR 55020, Oct. 14, 1998, as amended at 70 FR 41102, July 15, 2005; 71 FR 52964; Sept. 7, 2006; 77 FR 39369, July 2, 2012; 83 FR 38021, Aug. 3, 2018]

Supplement No. 8 to Part 742—Self-Classification Report for Encryption Items

This supplement provides certain instructions and requirements for self-classification reporting to BIS and the ENC Encryption Request Coordinator (Ft. Meade, MD) of encryption commodities, software and components exported or reexported pursuant to § 740.17(b)(1) of the EAR. See § 740.17(e)(3) of the EAR for additional instructions and requirements pertaining to this supplement, including when to report and how to report. (a) Information to report.

Supplement No. 7 to Part 742—Description of Major Weapons Systems

(1) Battle Tanks: Tracked or wheeled self-propelled armored fighting vehicles with high cross-country mobility and a high-level of self protection, weighing at least 16.5 metric tons unladen weight, with a high muzzle velocity direct fire main gun of at least 75 millimeters caliber. (2) Armored Combat Vehicles: Tracked, semi-tracked, or wheeled self-propelled vehicles, with armored protection and cross-country capability, either designed and equipped to transport a squad of four or more infantrymen, or armed with an integral or organic weapon of a least 12.5 millimeters caliber or a missile l
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