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Supplement No. 6 to Part 746—Russian and Belarusian Industry Sector Sanctions Pursuant to § 746.8(a)(6)

The items identified in this supplement are a subset of items that are otherwise designated as EAR99 under the Commerce Control List (CCL) in supplement no. 1 to part 774. These items may be useful for Russia's chemical and biological weapons production capabilities or may be diverted from Belarus to Russia for these or other activities of concern. These items consist of discrete chemicals, biologics, fentanyl and its precursors, and related equipment.

Supplement No. 3 to Part 746—Countries Excluded from Certain License Requirements of §§ 746.6, 746.7, and 746.8

Countries listed in this supplement have committed to implementing substantially similar export controls on Russia and Belarus under their domestic laws and are consequently excluded from certain requirements in §§ 746.6 and 746.8 of the EAR, as described in §§ 746.6(a)(4) and 746.8(a)(12)(iii). In addition, these countries are excluded from the license requirements related to Iran in § 746.7, as described in § 746.7(a)(1)(iv) and (v). The Scope column of the following table identifies whether the country receives a full or partial exclusion.

Supplement No. 1 to Part 746—Examples of Luxury Goods

The following further amplifies the illustrative list of luxury goods set forth in § 746.4(b)(1): (a) Tobacco and tobacco products (b) Luxury watches: Wrist, pocket, and others with a case of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal (c) Apparel and fashion items, as follows: (1) Leather articles (2) Silk articles (3) Fur skins and artificial furs (4) Fashion accessories: Leather travel goods, vanity cases, binocular and camera cases, handbags, wallets, designer fountain pens, silk scarves (5) Cosmetics, including beauty and make-up (6) Perfumes and toilet waters (7) Design

Supplement No. 3 to Part 745—Foreign Authorized Agencies Responsible for Issuing End-Use Certificates Pursuant to § 745.2

1 Two of the three offices (Export Processing Zone Administration and the Science-Based Industrial Park Administration) are in special economic zones and are responsible for the activity in their respective zones. Israel Chemical, Environment Technology Administration, Ministry of Industry & Trade, 30 Agron Street, Jerusalem 94190, Israel Contact: Josef Dancona, Deputy Director, Telephone: 972-2-6220193, Fax: 972-2-6241987 Taiwan 1 Board of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs, 1 Hukou St., Taipei, Tel: (02) 2351-0271, Fax: (02) 2351-3603 Export Processing Zone Administratio

Supplement No. 2 to Part 745—States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling, and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction

List of States Parties as of June 1, 2016 Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia-Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China * Colombia Comoros Congo (Democratic Republic of the) Congo (Republic of the) Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Croatia Cuba Cyprus Cze

Supplement No. 1 to Part 745—Schedules of Chemicals

CASregistry No. Schedule 1 A. Toxic Chemicals: 1. Family: O-Alkyl(≤C10, incl. cycloalkyl) alkyl (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr)- phosphonofluoridates Not limited to the following examples: Sarin: O-Isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate 107-44-8 Soman: O-Pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate 96-64-0 2. Family: O-Alkyl (≤C10, incl. cycloalkyl) N,N-dialkyl (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr) phosphoramidocyanidates Not limited to the following example: Tabun: O-Ethyl N,N-dimethyl phosphoramidocyanidate 77-81-6 3. Family: O-Alkyl (H or ≤C10, incl.

Supplement No. 7 to Part 744—'Military End-User' (MEU) List

The license requirement for entities listed in supplement no. 7 to part 744 applies to the export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) of any item subject to the EAR listed in supplement no. 2 to part 744. A license is required to export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) any item subject to the EAR listed in supplement no. 2 to part 744 when an entity that is listed on the MEU List is a party to the transaction as described in § 748.5(c) through (f).
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