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§ 758.4 Use of export license.

(a) License valid for shipment from any port. An export license issued by BIS authorizes exports from any port of export in the United States unless the license states otherwise. Items that leave the United States at one port, cross adjacent foreign territory, and reenter the United States at another port before being exported to a foreign country, are treated as exports from the last U.S. port of export. (b) Shipments against expiring license. Any item requiring a license that has not departed from the final U.S.

§ 758.3 Responsibilities of parties to the transaction.

All parties that participate in transactions subject to the EAR must comply with the EAR. Parties are free to structure transactions as they wish, and to delegate functions and tasks as they deem necessary, as long as the transaction complies with the EAR. However, acting through a forwarding or other agent, or delegating or redelegating authority, does not in and of itself relieve anyone of responsibility for compliance with the EAR. (a) Export transactions. The U.S. principal party in interest is the exporter, except in certain routed transactions.

§ 758.2 Automated Export System (AES).

The Bureau of the Census' Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR) (15 CFR Part 30) contain provisions for filing Electronic Export Information (EEI) using the Automated Export System (AES). In order to use AES, you must apply directly to the Bureau of the Census (Census Bureau) for certification and approval (see 15 CFR 30.5(a) of the FTR). Two electronic filing options (predeparture and postdeparture) are available for transmitting EEI. Predeparture filing requires that all information be reported in AES prior to export (15 CFR 30.4(a) and (b) of the FTR).

§ 758.1 The Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing to the Automated Export System (AES).

(a) The Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing to the Automated Export System (AES). The EEI is used by the Bureau of Census to collect trade statistics and by the Bureau of Industry and Security for export control purposes. The EEI collects basic information such as the names and addresses of the parties to a transaction; the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) (when required), the Schedule B number or Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) number, the description, quantity and value of the items exported; and the license authority for the export.

§ 756.1 Scope.

Section 756.2 describes the procedures applicable to appeals from administrative actions taken under the Export Administration Act (EAA) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). (In this part, references to the EAR are references to 15 CFR chapter VII, subchapter C). Section 756.3 describes the procedures under which the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) can safeguard national security information when agency action is under judicial review. [85 FR 63012, Oct. 6, 2020]

§ 754.6 Registration of U.S. agricultural commodities for exemption from short supply limitations on export.

(a) Scope. Under the provisions of section 7(g) of the Export Administration Act of 1979 (EAA), agricultural commodities of U.S. origin purchased by or for use in a foreign country and stored in the United States for export at a later date may be registered with BIS for exemption from any quantitative limitations on export that may subsequently be imposed under section 7 of the EAA for reasons of short supply. (b) Applications for registration.

§ 754.5 Horses for export by sea.

(a) License requirement. As indicated by the letters “SS” in the “Reason for Control” paragraph of the “License Requirements” section of ECCN 0A980 on the CCL (supplement no. 1 to part 774 of the EAR) a license is required for the export of horses exported by sea to all destinations, including Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. (b) License policy.
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