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CCL Index

A key in determining whether you need a Department of Commerce export license is knowing whether your item has a specific Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). ECCNs are alpha-numeric codes that describe the item and indicate licensing requirements. You can find and search for the current list of ECCNs via the Commerce Control List (CCL).

This index is not an exhaustive list of controlled items.

Description ECCN Citation
Firearm, magazines (greater than 16 rounds but not to exceed 50 rounds)
Firearm, magazines (less than 17 rounds)
Firearms (except shotguns)
Firearms manufactured from 1890 to 1898 and reproductions thereof
Firearms, muzzle-loading (black powder)
Fireworks displays
Firing sets, for multiple detonators of 3A232
Fissile materials, special or other
Flanges, vacuum
Flares, non-irritant smoke
Flash X-ray machines
Flash discharge X-ray generators
Flexible nozzles, thrust vector control sub-system
Flexible rotor centrifugal balancing machines
Flexible sensors for hydrophones
Flexible waveguide
Flight control actuator technology
Flight control servo valves
Flight control system development technology
Flight control systems - software
Flight control systems for military UAVs or drones
Flight control systems for non-military UAVs
Flight instrument systems, integrated
Flight instrument trainer, military
Flight management system integration technology
Flow-forming machines
Fluid energy mills
Fluoride compounds (bulk)
Fluoride glass (bulk)
Fluorinated compounds, components
Fluorinated compounds, unprocessed
Fluorinated phosphazene elastomers
Fluorinated polyimide
Fluorine production (electrolytic cells)
Fluorocarbon electronic cooling fluids
Fluorophosphate glass
Flurocarbon electronic cooling fluids
Fluxgate magnetometer technology
Fly cutting machines
Fly-by-light flight control system software
Fly-by-light or fly-by-wire technology
Fly-by-wire control system technology
Fly-by-wire flight control system software
Fly-by-wire systems for military UAVs or drones
Fly-by-wire systems for missiles
Foam mirror structures, lightweight
Foam, syntactic for underwater use (in any stage of manufacture)
Focal plane arrays, direct view