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§ 768.7 Procedures.

(a) Initiation of an assessment. (1) Once BIS accepts a FAS or TAC certification of foreign availability, BIS will notify the claimant or TAC that it is initiating the assessment. (2) BIS will publish a Federal Register notice of the initiation of any assessment. (3) BIS will notify the Departments of Defense and State, the intelligence community, and any other departments, agencies and their contractors that may have information concerning the item on which BIS has initiated an assessment.

§ 768.6 Criteria.

BIS will evaluate the evidence contained in a FAS or TAC certification and all other evidence gathered in the assessment process in accordance with certain criteria that must be met before BIS can recommend a positive determination to the Secretary. The criteria are defined in § 768.1(d) of this part. In order to initiate an assessment, each FAS and TAC certification should address each of these criteria. The criteria are statutorily prescribed and are: (a) Available-in-fact; (b) Non-U.S. source; (c) Sufficient quantity; and (d) Comparable quality.

§ 768.5 Contents of foreign availability submissions and Technical Advisory Committee certifications.

(a) All foreign availability submissions must contain, in addition to information on product or technology alleged to be available from foreign sources, at least: (1) The name of the claimant; (2) The claimant's mailing and business address; (3) The claimant's telephone number; and (4) A contact point and telephone number. (b) Foreign availability submissions and TAC certifications should contain as much evidence as is available to support the claim, including, but not limited to: (1) Product names and model designations of the items alleged to be comparable; (2) Extent to which the all

§ 768.3 Foreign availability assessment.

(a) Foreign availability assessment. A foreign availability assessment is an evidentiary analysis that BIS conducts to assess the foreign availability of a given item according to the assessment criteria, based on data submitted by a claimant, the data gathered by BIS, and the data and recommendations submitted by the Departments of Defense and State and other relevant departments and agencies, TAC committees, and industry. BIS uses the results of the analysis in formulating its recommendation to the Secretary on whether foreign availability exists for a given item.

§ 768.1 Introduction.

In this part, references to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) are references to 15 CFR chapter VII, subchapter C. (a) Authority. Pursuant to sections 5(f) and 5(h) of the Export Administration Act (EAA), the Under Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration directs the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) in gathering and analyzing all the evidence necessary for the Secretary to determine foreign availability. (b) Scope. This part applies only to the extent that items are controlled for national security purposes.

§ 766.25 Administrative action denying export privileges.

(a) General. The Director of the Office of Export Enforcement (OEE), in consultation with the Director of the Office of Exporter Services, may deny the export privileges of any person who has been convicted of a violation of any of the statutes set forth at 50 U.S.C. 4819(e)(1)(B), including any regulation, license, or order issued pursuant to such statutes. (b) Procedure.

§ 766.24 Temporary denials.

(a) General. The procedures in this section apply to temporary denial orders issued on or after July 12, 1985. For temporary denial orders issued on or before July 11, 1985, the proceedings will be governed by the applicable regulations in effect at the time the temporary denial orders were issued.
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