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§ 742.1 Introduction.

In this part, references to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) are references to 15 CFR chapter VII, subchapter C. (a) Scope. This part describes all the reasons for control reflected in the Country Chart in supplement no. 1 to part 738 of the EAR. In addition, it includes licensing requirements and licensing policies for the following items that are not reflected on the Country Chart: specially designed implements of torture, high performance computers, and communications intercepting devices.

§ 740.29 License Exception Low Processing Performance (LPP).

(a) Scope. License Exception LPP authorizes the export and reexport of up to 26,900,000 cumulative total processing performance (TPP) of advanced computing integrated circuits per-calendar year directly to a single ultimate consignee. If the ultimate consignee is headquartered in a destination specified in paragraph (a) of supplement no. 5 to part 740, then the ultimate consignee may apply the cumulative TPP of exports and reexports of eligible commodities under this license exception toward the cumulative TPP limit of a different entity that will operate the items in paragraph (b).

§ 740.28 License Exception Advanced Compute Manufacturing (ACM).

(a) Scope. License Exception ACM authorizes the export, reexport, and transfer (in-country) of eligible items specified in paragraph (b) to 'private sector end users' for the “development,” “production,” or storage (in a warehouse or other similar facility) prior to export, reexport, or transfer (in country) to the ultimate end user of eligible items specified in paragraph (b) for items that are ultimately destined to customers outside of Macau or destinations specified in Country Group D:5, unless otherwise authorized. (b) Eligible commodities, software, and technology.

§ 740.27 License Exception Artificial Intelligence Authorization (AIA).

(a) Scope. This license exception authorizes the export, reexport, and transfer (in-country) of the items identified in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2)(i) of this section to entities located within destinations listed in paragraph (a) of supplement no. 5 to this part, unless the entity is headquartered outside of, or has an ultimate parent company headquartered outside of, a destination specified in paragraph (a) of supplement no. 5 to this part, with an additional authorization for certain model weights in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, subject to additional conditions.

§ 740.25 License Exception High Bandwidth Memory (HBM).

(a) Scope. This License Exception High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) authorizes the export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) of items specified in ECCN 3A090.c on the Commerce Control List (CCL) in supplement no. 1 to part 774 if all terms and conditions within this section are met. (b) Exporter, reexporter, transferor. The exporter, reexporter, or transferor must be headquartered in the United States or a destination specified in Country Group A:5 of supplement no. 1 to this part, without an ultimate parent headquartered in Macau or a destination specified in Country Group D:5 of supplement no.

§ 740.24 Implemented Export Control (IEC).

(a) Scope. License Exception Implemented Export Controls (IEC) authorizes exports, reexports, and transfers (in-country) in accordance with License Exception IEC Eligible Items and Destinations, see paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. (b) Eligible items and destinations. License Exception IEC authorizes specified items to be exported, reexported, or transferred (in-country) to, among, or within specified destinations, as identified for each respective item, in accordance with License Exception IEC Eligible Items and Destinations.

§ 740.23 Medical Devices (MED).

(a) Scope. License Exception MED authorizes the export, reexport, or transfer (in country) of “medical devices” designated as EAR99 to or within Russia, Belarus, the temporarily occupied Crimea region of Ukraine, or the covered regions of Ukraine (as specified in § 746.6(a)(2) of the EAR). See Supplement no. 3 to part 774—Statements of Understanding under paragraph (a) (Statement of Understanding—medical equipment) for guidance on classifying medical equipment and the definition of “medical device” in § 772.1 of the EAR.

§ 740.21 Support for the Cuban People (SCP).

(a) Introduction. This License Exception authorizes certain exports and reexports to Cuba that are intended to support the Cuban people by improving their living conditions and supporting independent economic activity; strengthening civil society in Cuba; and improving the free flow of information to, from, and among the Cuban people. (b) Improving living conditions and supporting independent economic activity. This paragraph authorizes the export or reexport to Cuba of items designated as EAR99, or controlled on the Commerce Control List (CCL) (supplement no.
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