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§ 748.1 General provisions.

(a) Scope. In this part, references to the Export Administration Regulations or EAR are references to 15 CFR chapter VII, subchapter C. The provisions of this part involve requests for classifications and advisory opinions, export license applications, reexport license applications, and certain license exception notices subject to the EAR. All terms, conditions, provisions, and instructions, including the applicant and consignee certifications, contained in electronic or paper form(s) are incorporated as part of the EAR.

§ 746.9 Syria.

Sections 5(a)(1) and 5(a)(2)(A) of the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-175, codified as a note to 22 U.S.C. 2151) (the SAA) require a prohibition on the export to Syria of all items on the Commerce Control List (in 15 CFR part 774) (CCL) and a prohibition on the export to Syria of products of the United States, other than food and medicine. The President also exercised national security waiver authority pursuant to Section 5(b) of the SAA for certain transactions.

§ 746.8 Sanctions against Russia and Belarus.

(a) License requirements. Except as described in the exclusions in paragraph (a)(12), and in addition to license requirements specified on the Commerce Control List (CCL) in supplement no. 1 to part 774 of the EAR and in other provisions of the EAR, including part 744 and other sections of part 746, a license is required as specified under paragraphs (a)(1) through (8) of this section. These license requirements follow an order of review, which provides guidance on the relationship between the different license requirements and which ones take precedence for certain items.

§ 746.7 Iran.

The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) administers a comprehensive trade and investment embargo against Iran. This embargo includes prohibitions on exports and certain reexport transactions involving Iran, including transactions dealing with items subject to the EAR. These prohibitions are set forth in OFAC's Iranian Transactions Regulations (31 CFR part 560).

§ 746.4 North Korea.

(a) Licensing requirements. As authorized by section 6 of the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended, and consistent with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1718, a license is required to export or reexport any item subject to the EAR (see part 734 of the EAR) to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), except food and medicines classified as EAR99 (definitions in part 772 of the EAR). Portions of certain license exceptions, set forth in paragraph (c) of this section, may be available.

§ 746.3 Iraq.

Pursuant to United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolutions 1483 and 1546 and other relevant resolutions, the United Nations maintains an embargo on the sale or supply to Iraq of arms and related materiel and their means of production, except items required by the Government of Iraq to serve the purposes of Resolution 1546. UNSC Resolutions 707 and 687 require that Iraq eliminate its nuclear weapons program and restrict its nuclear activities to the use of isotopes for medical, industrial or agricultural purposes.

§ 746.2 Cuba.

(a) License requirements. As authorized by section 6 of the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended (EAA) and by the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended, you will need a license to export or reexport all items subject to the EAR (see part 734 of the EAR for the scope of items subject to the EAR) to Cuba, including any release of technology or source code subject to the EAR to a Cuban national, except as follows: (1) License exceptions.

§ 746.1 Introduction.

In this part, references to the EAR are references to 15 CFR chapter VII, subchapter C. This part implements broad based controls for items and activities subject to the EAR imposed to implement U.S. government policies. Two categories of controls are included in this part. (a) Comprehensive controls. This part contains or refers to all the BIS licensing requirements, licensing policies, and License Exceptions for countries subject to general embargoes or comprehensive sanctions, currently Cuba, Iran, and Syria.

§ 745.2 End-Use Certificate reporting requirements under the Chemical Weapons Convention.

Note: The End-Use Certificate requirement of this section does not relieve the exporter of any requirement to obtain a license from the Department of Commerce for the export of Schedule 3 chemicals subject to the Export Administration Regulations or from the Department of State for the export of Schedule 3 chemicals subject to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations. (a)(1) No U.S. person, as defined in § 744.6(c) of the EAR, may export from the United States any Schedule 3 chemical identified in supplement no.
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