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§ 760.2 Prohibitions.

Examples of Refusals and Agreements To Refuse To Do Business The following examples are intended to give guidance in determining the circumstances in which, in a boycott situation, a refusal to do business or an agreement to refuse to do business is prohibited. They are illustrative, not comprehensive. Refusals To Do Business (i) A, a U.S. manufacturer, receives an order for its products from boycotting country Y. To fill that order, A solicits bids from U.S. companies B and C, manufacturers of components used in A's products. A does not, however, solicit bids from U.S.

§ 760.1 Definitions.

Examples of “United States Person” The following examples are intended to give guidance in determining whether a person is a “United States person.” They are illustrative, not comprehensive. (i) U.S. bank A has a branch office in foreign country P.
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