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§ 744.19 Licensing policy regarding persons sanctioned pursuant to specified statutes.

Notwithstanding any other licensing policy elsewhere in the EAR, BIS will deny any export or reexport license application if any person who is a party to the transaction (i.e., the applicant, other party authorized to receive a license, purchaser, intermediate consignee, ultimate consignee, or end-user) is subject to one or more of the sanctions described in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (e) of this section and will deny any export or reexport license application for an item listed on the Commerce Control List with a reason for control of MT if a person who is a party to the transaction is sub

§ 744.16 Entity List.

The Entity List (supplement no. 4 to this part) identifies persons or addresses of persons reasonably believed to be involved, or to pose a significant risk of being or becoming involved, in activities contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States. The entries are added to the Entity List pursuant to sections of part 744 (Control Policy: End-User and End-Use Based) and part 746 (Embargoes and Other Special Controls) of the EAR. (a) License requirements.

§ 744.15 Restrictions on exports, reexports and transfers (in-country) to persons listed on the unverified list.

(a) General requirement. In addition to the requirements set forth elsewhere in the EAR, exports, reexports, or transfers (in-country) subject to the EAR involving parties to the transaction who are listed on the Unverified List (UVL) must be made in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. The names and addresses of foreign persons subject to end-user controls based on the criteria described in paragraph (c) of this section are identified in the Unverified List found in supplement no. 6 to this part.

§ 744.11 License requirements that apply to entities acting or at significant risk of acting contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States.

BIS may impose foreign policy export, re-export, and transfer (in-country) license requirements, limitations on availability of license exceptions, and set license application review policy based on the criteria in this section. Such requirements, limitations and policy are in addition to those set forth elsewhere in the EAR.

§ 744.5 Restrictions on certain maritime nuclear propulsion end-uses.

(a) General prohibition. In addition to the license requirements for items specified on the CCL, you may not export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) certain technology subject to the EAR without a license if at the time of the export, reexport or transfer (in-country) you know the item is for use in connection with a foreign maritime nuclear propulsion project.
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