BIS forms
Form BIS-711, Statement by Ultimate Consignee and Purchaser
Form BIS-711 collects information about the disposition or use of items by the ultimate consignee.
Refer to Section 748.11 to determine when this form may be required for a transaction subject to the EAR.
For instructions on completing the form, consult supplement no. 3 to part 748.
Form BIS-647P, Delivery Verification Certificate
Foreign suppliers may ask U.S. importers to provide Form BIS-647P.
These requests, made by foreign governments, assure that strategic items shipped to the U.S. are not diverted from their intended destination.
For procedures on completing the form, consult supplement no. 5 to part 748.
Form BIS-645P, International Import Certificate
Foreign suppliers may request that U.S. importers obtain an import certificate, which may be required by the exporter’s government to issue an export license.
To obtain this certificate, importers must complete and submit a signed copy of Form BIS-645P to BIS (address on the first page). Alternatively, you can email the form to
For procedures on completing the form, consult supplement no. 5 to part 748.