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Emerging Technologies

The Export Control Reform Act of 2018 (ECRA) authorizes BIS to establish appropriate controls on emerging and foundational technologies critical to the national security of the United States. BIS refers to these as '1758 technologies' (after the section of ECRA where they are referenced).

Emerging technologies FAQs

Per Part 772 of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), "technology" is information necessary for the "development," "production," "use" operation, installation, maintenance, repair, overhaul, or refurbishing (or other terms specified in ECCNs on the CCL that control “technology”) of an item. The General Technology Note (Supplement No. 2 to part 774 of the EAR) states that the "export of technology" is controlled according to the provisions of each Category." It further states that "technology required for the development, production, or use of a controlled product remains controlled even when applicable to a product controlled at a lower level." Please note that the terms "required," "development," "production," "use," and "technology" are all defined in Part 772 of the EAR. Controlled technology is that which is defined in the General Technology Note and in the Commerce Control List (Supplement No. 1 to part 774 of the EAR).

Generally, technologies subject to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) are those which are in the United States or of U.S. origin, in whole or in part. Most are proprietary. Technologies which tend to require licensing for transfer to foreign nationals are also dual-use (i.e., have both civil and military applications) and are subject to one or more control regimes, such as National Security, Nuclear Proliferation, Missile Technology, or Chemical and Biological Warfare. Foreign technology with U.S.-origin technology commingled to a degree above a de minimis level is considered to be subject to the EAR. Technologies which may require an export license are those which are subject to the EAR and which are listed in the Commerce Control List, see Parts 734, 738, and 774 of the EAR. Some technologies are under the exclusive jurisdiction of another agency of the U.S. government and are not subject to the EAR. These include defense services which are under the jurisdiction of the State Department and technology related to the production of special nuclear materials which is under the jurisdiction of the Energy Department. Still other technologies do not require any authorization because they are already published. These include patent applications; published technology and software (other than software and technology controlled as encryption items) that are already published or will be published; or technology which arises during or as a result of fundamental research. See Part 734 of the EAR for details.