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CCL Index

A key in determining whether you need a Department of Commerce export license is knowing whether your item has a specific Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). ECCNs are alpha-numeric codes that describe the item and indicate licensing requirements. You can find and search for the current list of ECCNs via the Commerce Control List (CCL).

This index is not an exhaustive list of controlled items.

Description ECCN Citation
Photo-enhanced diffusion equipment
Photographic still cameras, for underwater use
Photographic still cameras, underwater
Photomultiplier tubes
Photo-optical step and repeat cameras
Photovoltaic arrays, space qualified or radiation hardened
Physics-based simulation “software” specially designed for the “development” of lithographic, etching or deposition processes
Piezoelectric sensing elements, hydrophones
Pinacolyl alcohol
Piping, austenitic stainless steel
Piping, fittings and valves of or lined with stainless steel, copper-nickel alloy or other alloy steel
Piping, monel
Piping, multi-walled incorporating a leak detection port
Piping, stainless steel
Piping, vacuum
Pitch-impregnated fibers
Planar absorbers
Plant pathogens, bacteria or fungi
Plasma arc jet facilities
Plasma atomization & melting furnaces
Plasma enhanced or plasma assisted CVD production equipment
Plasma spraying production equipment, with controlled atmosphere
Plasma wind tunnels
Plasma-enhanced CVD (PECVD) equipment
Platforms, complete
Platinized catalysts
Plugs, mechanical
Pocket cell electro-optical shuttering
Police helmets and shields
Polyarylene ketones
Polybutadiene-acrylic acid (PBAA)
Polybutadiene-acrylic acid-acrylonitrile (PBAN)
Polycrystalline alimina fibers
Polycrystalline or ceramic substrates
Polycrystalline silicon and materials production equipment
Polydiorganosilanes, precursor for silicon carbide
Polyether ether ketone (PEEK)
Polyether ketone (PEK)
Polyether ketone ether ketone ketone (PEKEKK)
Polyether ketone ketone (PEKK)
Polyetherimides, fibrous & filamentary materials composed of
Polymeric or metallo-organic materials
Polymeric substances
Polymeric substances, non-fluorinated